CyprusEYE_Bank's Future Product List/ Research Projects
Eye_Banking Products 2020

- Full Thickness Corneoscleral Rim uncut
- DALK Tissue -fresh- (Whole or 400μ)
- DALK Femtolaser Precut -mushroom -fresh- (Busin)
- DALK Tissue -frozen-
- DSAEK tissue (normal, thin, nano)
- PDEK tissue
- Prestamped-Prestained-Preloaded DMEK tissue (8.0mm, 8,50mm)
- Patch Graft (lamellar 250μ-500μ) + Adhesive
- large, normal
- thin, thick
- Biologic Adhesive

Research Projects
1. CORI -Greek-Israeli Research Project 2018-2020
CyprusEye-Bank in collaboration with Athensvision Eye Institute and Forth- University of Crete- is actively involved in preclinical testing of a novel Israeli Artificial Implant from EyeYON to eliviate the need of Cornea Transplantation with human tissue
2. EYE-FRAME the first and only Cornea Graft Endosceleton
CyprusEye-BANK owns the intelectual Properties of developing an interlocking frame to connect Graft and Host without sutures in order to minimize postoperative Astigmatism.
3. We also plan to support realization of several other innovative products like the CharKey IOL Adaptor, the Development of Subepithelial Refractive Microimplants for keratoconus -SECRET Micrograft- (SubEpithelial Collagen Refractive Treatment) etc